Yes, bread *IS* my favorite food group: Hot Sandwich Rolls

I remember many years ago, in fact I was just 17 when twins started at my high school. They had a million and one food allergies.  They didn't share their food allergies; they were different except for one. They were both allergic to wheat!  Way back then, I think as much as the average person could ever grasp about a particular allergy to wheat is that this means you can't eat bread! Oh no! You can't eat pasta, too?  Oh my gawd!  I can't say things are all that much better nowadays.  The average person still doesn't understand how a person could be allergic to wheat or what is now known as a gluten allergy.   I used to be one of those average people.  And for as long as I can remember, whenever I would learn of someone having a gluten allergy, I'd think to myself, if I could no longer eat a brioche knot or a warm piece of sourdough baguette smothered in salted butter from The Cheese Board, well then you might as well put me out of my misery.  Bread is and always will be my favorite food group.  Sigh. Fast forward to today.  It has been just about 5 years now since I was diagnosed with a gluten allergy and lots of other things that seem to go nicely with such an illness.  And what I CAN definitively tell you is the day I found out I could no longer eat a brioche knot or a warm piece of baguette smothered in salted butter from The Cheese Board was one of the darkest days of my life.  Sure, it sounds funny for a sec…"Sue, the ultimate savorer (is that a word? Frak yea! That's a word to describe me!) of all that is delicious about food can't eat bread?  Naw. It cannot be!"  Well it is and it was a hard day for me…cuz I also learned no bread, no pasta, no sashimi dipped in soy sauce, no unagi don…not even seaweed salad? What?  Sigh.  All my favorite food groups gone in a day, it seemed.  Those were the days I'd rather not re-live.  But without living those days in between then and now?  All the learning I've done to cook and bake without gluten because in those early, early days of my illness, gluten-free out there on the market was so gosh darn wrong? I can happily say, I'm mastering the bread thing.  I make perfectly good quick breads that I'd have to say are better and lighter and silkier than it's gluten-ful sister.  I'd also like to mention that these here sandwich rolls were my first effort in creating a sandwich bread – this being a lot like a potato roll.  And well, these are light and fluffy in the middle with a nice, crunchy crumb on the outside – perfect with a light dusting of sweet mustard, thinly sliced pieces of prosciutto and fresh asiago and a drizzle of olive oil.  Or if you're me waiting for those rolls to bake up high in that cast iron skillet – just torn open while still steaming with just a pat of butter on top.  A few of my favorite things missed has just become real again.