Valrhona Chocolate -
Sea Salt Crackers

Another cracker?!?! Yes! aNOTHER cracker! I cannot make too many variations on these almond based crackers I’ve started making. At the same time I baked off the Rosemary-Sea Salt crackers, I also made THESE crackers with shaved Valrhona chocolate intermingled with Fleur de Sel throughout. At first, I was going to try adding some type of toasted nut — like walnuts or pine nuts but then at the last minute (me and my last minute changes…) I decided “No!” I wondered how these crackers would taste differently from the Sweet Cacao Nib Crackers I first started making. Like with the Rosemary – Sea Salt crackers — I also sampled these crackers, first on their own — without any supplements. I believe the bittersweet of the Valrhona only added a hint of sweetness to the already sweet characteristic of the almond flour then the hint of sea salt at the end made for a perfect balance. THEN, I tried it with my beloved Aged Gouda (this time a 5 year — tastes like butterscotch!). Delicious! A stack of these crackers with a chunk of the aged gouda is just the perfect snack.