It is fate! Me and The Popover

I've been moping around for weeks now...wishing for bread things.  You know?  That thing when you get to walk down the street, see a nice bakery in your path, stop in...look around at the bread lining the walls and think, "Oh! I want THAT one! I'm gonna get it! It's gonna be great!"  Then I tell that story to someone...a friend or a coworker  and well, I also hate it when people say, "You know?  There are bakeries that sell gluten free stuff now."  Have you, peoples, eaten gluten free baked stuff lately?  And do you see those gluten free bakeries laying around town?  Or do you notice they tend to be in some obscure, out of the way location?  And do you go inside when you see them?  Do you try that stuff?  And does that stuff TASTE the way you would imagine it should? It typically doesn't but when you spy one...well...when I spy one, I almost always get something -- not because what I get will remind me of the thing I remember so vividly eating that was called the same thing back in the day.  But I get it because it will satisfy a craving for a few moments.  I do it...get whatever it is... I eat it then I mope. I realized why I was moping though...these last few weeks.  A few weeks ago, I heard about this restaurant in New York that serves popovers with fresh churned butter and jam before meals.  I closed my eyes for a few seconds and I remembered the best popover I had ever eaten.  I could taste it.  In my imagination, I could taste it.  Now if I could smell it, see it up close.  Then I forgot about it, the popovers.  Until this weekend...I had still been moping...too lazy to bake anything at all, I've been working so much...nights, weekends, early mornings...working...baking has not been something I've wanted to do in between the work.  So I was moping, even up til this morning.  All of a sudden, I heard the word popover...then I heard it again...then still later this morning, I was pushed a popover recipe -- a regular popover recipe, of course.  Which, as you know, I never could just follow a recipe --gluten-ful or gluten-free.  I moped for a few more minutes.  Then I said to myself, "well, I could figure out how to make them, in fact, I think I should!"   thought all these reminders of popovers meant that I had a calling...a calling to figure out how to make the perfect popover.  I never made popovers even once, with gluten and now I was about to figure out how to do it without.  A challenge, yes...but first I had to make sure I had the pan.  Yay!  I get to go to Sur La Table!  Popover pan is now in my possession!  And yes! Popovers ensued!  Silky and fluffy, buttery and steamy...salted butter melting then drizzled with apricot spread... good! VERY good. These popovers are quite close to perfect.  The only thing that would make them better would be if Lisa and Priscilla were here to enjoy them with me while sipping tea and telling stories.