- EPIC -

Celebrate the small wonders

There are some things I've learned about me in the last several days...I do not like working double back doubles 3 days in a row. There, I said it. I do not miss the restaurant life...no. However...right now what I miss and only took for granted back in those days was my ability to work those same marathon shifts -- with just a coupla cat naps sandwiched somewhere in the middle of the thick of it all. There is nothing a few shots of espresso couldn't solve...for sure. There is another thing I learned today actually. I am excited to tell you that I've gone and created a pretty okay pie crust! It is not the same as that of yesteryear -- the flakey-ness is not quite there. However, without gluten...in all the various combinations I've tested, I'm not sure there is a way to mimic that particular texture -- the layer upon meltingly delicious layer of butter and flour, butter and flour. What I DID create is a flavor, texture and crumb that is in a different class of really very good stuff -- regardless the missing wheat.

Today, Christmas, my pie crust showed up in two completely different forms for two completely different meals -- an apple galette for lunch...and a curry coconut turkey pot pie for dinner. Many in my circle of people know that holidays are not my thing, really...however, it's on holidays when I'm entertaining that I seem to come up with a couple things worth keeping -- this pie crust is a keeper in both savories and sweets. It was good! It IS good and this creation is just the beginning of so many new adventures...the next being bread. Bread how I miss thee...

Here's the list of a few things worth keeping around my dinner table. Just a couple of encores, you'll see but hey...the oven was on from 9 Saturday morning til 8 Saturday night. It was a full day!

  • Christmas Lunch

Roasted Golden Beet and Arugula Salad Roasted Five Spice Turkey Sauteed Apples and Caramelized Red Onions Apple Galette and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

  • Christmas Dinner

Chopped Salad Curry Coconut Turkey Pot Pie (is this strange? Maybe a little but I'm so glad I thought of it...it was good) Sauteed Brussel Sprouts and Caramelized Shallots Cranberry Relish Honey Almond Cake with fresh raspberries and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream